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Areas of Expertise

Choosing VCPS HigherEd Solutions is not just about selecting a consulting service, it's about committing to a transformative partnership. With almost 25 years of diverse experience in higher education, Karl Smith understands the nuanced challenges and opportunities faced by institutions, from admissions to retention. This breadth of expertise enables VCPS to provide solutions that are customized to the unique dynamics of each institution.

Meeting Recruitment Goals

Recognizing the landscape of recruitment is dynamic and highly competitive, our approach integrates innovative strategies, data-informed decision-making, and targeted tactics to ensure institutions attract and enroll a diverse and thriving student body.


Revamping Admissions Practices

We specialize in helping institutions to design and implement holistic admissions strategies that align with the legal constraints established by the US Supreme Court 2023 ruling on race conscious admissions.


Improving Retention Rates

By integrating data-driven insights with targeted services, we help institutions create a retention-focused culture that benefits all students and contributes to the long-term success.


Recruiting and Retaining BIPOC Students

Recognizing the importance of supporting critical student populations, we help institutions design and implement targeted services. These services address the unique challenges faced by prospective and current BIPOC students.


Supporting Under-Resourced Students

Recognizing the interconnectedness of students' basic needs and success, we help institutions establish holistic support systems. 

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